Big News on Social and Environmental Responsibility
We are a holistic financial planning firm, choosing to give attention to every financial aspect of a person’s life. And while strategically using your hard-earned money to take measurable risk in order to possibly gain a reward (investing) is only one element of a person’s financial life, it is also one of the most complicated and ever-changing areas in global personal finance.
For years, investing in a way that positively impacted environments, social constructs, and governmental systems was seen as lacking any "meaningful reward." Most people were ok with investing in companies that were insensitive to these factors because it was the only place to find the potential reward for which they were looking.
That has changed.
Some of our best performing portfolios throughout 2020 were those that put sustainable investing at their core. Our world is changing. Fast. But anyone who knows the finance industry knows that pursuing this change is like turning a barge 180 degrees.
As you know, we are powered by an amazing broker/dealer, LPL Financial. There are MANY reasons we have chosen to align ourselves with this support for over 30 years.
Yes, in January, Jeffrey celebrated 30 years of partnership with LPL. The CEO (Dan Arnold) even sent him a personal video message highlighting his service in the financial advice industry.
One of the most influential reasons we are powered by LPL is their industry leadership in sustainable investing and business practices.
Below you will find a link to the 2021 LPL Sustainability Report. When you get a moment, we invite you to read through the many ways LPL is making a real difference in the industry.
2021 LPL Sustainability Report
Here are a few highlights as of December 31, 2020:
- Our Model Wealth Portfolio (MWP) Sustainable Investing Model is our fastest growing MWP model, both in terms of AUM and accounts. The AUM is now over $572 million.
- LPL Financial received a perfect score from the Human Rights Campaign on our Corporate Equality Index, earning the designation “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality”
- Approximately 44.4% of our directors represent women and people of color.
- Employee top talent retention is over 95%, well above industry average.
- Ever wonder why you are prompted to go paperless with your statements? Our paperless efforts provided a savings of over $3.3 million in 2020, while reducing our environmental footprint.
- The LPL Financial Foundation extended a combined $1 million in financial support to national and local organizations serving those in need during the COVID-19 crisis.
- We launched our LPL Vendor Code of Conduct.
- We continue to refine our Human Rights Statement of Principles.
While many of you are already utilizing one of our many ESG or socially responsible investment models, we understand that the issues addressed above may cause some of you to rethink the way you are currently invested and/or not invested. If you would like to explore our sustainable investing opportunities, call, text, or email us, and depending on your current circumstance, we will give you the most cost-effective and tax-wise options.
Either way, we are grateful to have a front-row experience in watching the investment landscape change.
Slowly but surely.
Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) / Environmental Social Governance (ESG) investing has certain risks based on the fact that the criteria excludes securities of certain issuers for non-financial reasons and, therefore, investors may forgo some market opportunities and the universe of investments available will be small.
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